Tao LI
Professional Title: Professor
Education: PhD
Supervisor Category: Doctoral Supervisor
Research Fields: Antimicrobial resistance(AMR), Control of pathogens and pathobionts
1. Contact Information
E-mail: litao@shvri.ac.cn
Address: No.518, Ziyue Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, 200241, China
2. Education
2006-2010 Ph.D./PharmD, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, Japan ·
2002-2005 MSC (Master of Science), South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ·
1998-2002 B.AG (Bachelor of Agriculture), Suzhou University, China
3. Current Research Topics
I specialize in Antimicrobial resistance(AMR), Control of pathogens and pathobionts. I have acquired above 20 competitive research grants about AMR/ Control of pathogens and pathobionts including the National Key Research and Development Program of China. You can get my detailed publication information at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tao-Li-101/research.