Home Teams and Professors Innovation Teams Waterfowl Virus Disease and Animal Influenza Prevention and Control

Team Introduction

Research Team of Waterfowl Virus Disease and Animal Influenza consists of 8 staff members, including 3 professors, 1 associate professors, 2 assistant researcher, and 2 post-doctors. There are 2 doctoral supervisors and 2 master's supervisors, with over 20 graduate students enrolled.

The team focuses on basic and applied research related to significant waterfowl viral diseases and animal influenza affecting agriculture in China.

1. Pathogen ecology of waterfowl viral diseases and animal influenza. Study on pathogenic ecology of waterfowl viral diseases and animal influenza by virus isolation, identification, and sequence analysis etc. to clarify the distribution and spread of viruses, clarify the genetic evolution of different subtypes of viruses, and clarify the host range of different viruses and the pathogenicity on different animals.

2. Cross-species transmission mechanisms of waterfowl viruses and influenza viruses. Determine the different pathogenicity of different waterfowl viruses and influenza viruses to identify the key gene or amino acid site associated with cross-species infection,and reveal the molecular basis of virus pathogenicity differences.  By using modern molecular biology technologies to study the interaction between virus and host cytokines, clarify the role of host factors in virus infection, proliferation, and pathogenicity, and reveal the molecular mechanism of virus cross-species infection.

3. Development of novel vaccines and diagnostic technologies for animal influenza and emerging avian viral diseases. Analyze antigenic variation of waterfowl viruses and influenza viruses, developing novel vaccines and multivalent vaccines to prevent poultry viral infectious diseases. Besides, develop specific and sensitive diagnostic techniques for rapid diagnosis of waterfowl viral diseases and animal influenza.