Home Education Introduction


SHVRI started its enrollment of master students in 1980, doctoral students in 1986, and foreign students in 2015. In 2016, SHVRI started the Sino-Dutch joint doctoral program in Sino foreign cooperation. There are currently doctoral degree granting points in veterinary science, and in the fourth round of discipline evaluation, the veterinary science evaluation result is A+. There are currently 25 doctoral supervisors, 60 master's supervisors, 59 registered doctoral students, and 119 master's students. There are 122 visiting graduate students from universities such as Nanjing Agricultural University, Yangzhou University, and Southwest University.

Programs we have:

1.  Preventive Veterinary Medicine

Preventive veterinary medicine focuses on major animal diseases, important zoonotic diseases, and severe foreign diseases in China. It conducts research on epidemiology and pathogen ecology, pathogen infection and pathogenic mechanisms, and develops prevention and control products such as animal vaccines, diagnostic reagents, and biological preparations to provide support for healthy aquaculture, public health, and biosafety in China. The characteristic of this study is to adopt systematic research in virology, microbiology, immunology, diagnostic technology, and new vaccines based on the characteristics of infectious diseases and the needs of disease prevention and control. The aim is to provide scientific theoretical basis, advanced technological means, and preventive diagnostic preparations for the prevention and control of animal infectious diseases, continuously control the occurrence and prevalence of animal diseases, and ultimately eliminate specific diseases, promoting the development of animal husbandry, ensure public health and food safety. Based on the needs of national development and the characteristics of our institute, we have developed three research directions: Veterinary Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Zoonotic Diseases and Veterinary Public Health, Animal Parasites and Molecular Biology.

(1) Veterinary Microbiology and Molecular Biology

Mainly studying the morphological structure, physicochemical characteristics, and genetic variation of microorganisms under different environmental conditions; the structure and function of the main proteins and genomes of pathogenic microorganisms; and the molecular mechanisms underlying the infection, replication, pathogenicity, and immune induction of pathogenic microorganisms in animals both inside and outside the body.

(2) Zoonosis and Veterinary Public Health

Mainly studying the occurrence and prevalence patterns of zoonotic infectious diseases; the molecular mechanisms and prevention and control techniques of cross species transmission of zoonotic diseases; detection and control techniques for pathogenic microorganisms in animal products.

(3) Veterinary Parasitology and Molecular Biology

Mainly researching parasite morphology, classification, epidemiology, diagnosis, and comprehensive prevention and control measures; Study the structure and function of parasitic genes, investigate the molecular mechanisms of parasitic invasion, pathogenesis, and resistance to parasitic infections in the body.

2.  Veterinary Pharmacy

Veterinary medicine is a discipline that integrates veterinary medicine and pharmacy. It mainly studies the sources, preparation, biological activity, mechanism of action, in vivo distribution and metabolism, physicochemical properties, quality control, and drug delivery technology of veterinary drugs. It consists of drug chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacology, and pharmacy, and is mainly engaged in the discovery, creation, and application research of safe and efficient new animal specific chemical drugs, biopharmaceuticals, and natural drugs, covering the exploration and utilization of drug targets, as well as the design, synthesis, and screening of anti infective chemical drugs; extraction, separation, and identification of biopharmaceuticals and natural medicines; preparation of long-acting, targeted, transdermal absorption, micro and nano new formulations; pharmacodynamic evaluation, safety evaluation, and molecular mechanism research of various drugs; pharmacokinetic studies of veterinary drugs; research on detection standards and rapid detection techniques for drug residues, new biotechnological drugs, and research and development of new pharmaceutical technologies. This discipline is at a leading level in the field of innovative veterinary drug research in China, especially in the research of triazine based anti coccidiosis drugs, which have an irreplaceable position and role in the field of veterinary drug creation in China. This mainly includes four research directions: pharmaceutical chemistry, veterinary pharmacology and veterinary drug safety evaluation, Quality control of new veterinary drugs and pharmaceutical analysis, and Natural medicinal chemistry.

(1) Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Research on the structure, physicochemical properties, chemical preparation, in vivo metabolism, structure-activity relationships, and drug action mechanisms of chemical drugs, explore methods and approaches for developing new drugs, and provide theoretical basis and technical processes for effectively utilizing existing drugs.

(2) Veterinary Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Drug Safety Evaluation

Research on drug formulation theory, preparation process, production technology, quality control, rational drug use, etc; research and utilize existing drugs to develop new formulations and methods suitable for veterinary clinical use; study the pharmacology, toxicology, epidemiology (evaluation and re evaluation), residual elimination patterns, and related safety evaluation techniques of drugs.

(3) Quality Control of New Veterinary Drugs and Pharmaceutical Analysis

Research on quality control and measurement methods for new veterinary drugs, including the establishment of quality standards for new veterinary drugs and the study of related substances; research on methods for analyzing drug metabolism, residues, and bioavailability; research on screening, separation, and structural confirmation techniques and methods for trace active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine and biopharmaceuticals. The technologies involved include modern chromatographic separation and analysis techniques, as well as spectroscopic techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and chromatography-spectroscopic (mass spectrometry) coupling techniques.

(4) Natural Medicinal Chemistry

Research on the active ingredients in natural medicines, discover and optimize the structure of innovative drug lead compounds; study the extraction, separation, and analysis methods of effective ingredients in natural medicines; research on the development of natural drug resources, new dosage forms of natural drug formulations, etc.

3.  Veterinary Medicine

The Master's degree in Veterinary Medicine meets the requirements of classification management for practicing veterinarians and official veterinarians in China, serving the entire veterinary industry with the goal of cultivating applied and composite high-level talents. Its main fields include animal disease diagnosis and treatment, animal disease prevention and control and quarantine, animal source food safety, veterinary public health, zoonotic diseases, comparative medicine, experimental animals, veterinary drug creation, as well as biosafety and environmental protection.

The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine professional degree meets the requirements of national practicing veterinarians, official veterinarians, and veterinary public health. It is aimed at animal diagnosis and treatment institutions, animal breeding production enterprises, animal medicine production and marketing enterprises, as well as animal disease prevention and control, public health, veterinary health supervision and law enforcement, veterinary administrative management, customs, veterinary social organizations, and veterinary social service organizations. It cultivates departments engaged in animal diagnosis and treatment, animal disease quarantine, and other related fields expert, managerial, and composite high-level applied talents in public health, technical supervision, technology development and management.