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Yingjie SUN

Professional Title: Professor

Education: PhD

Supervisor Category: Doctoral Supervisor

Research Fields: molecular pathogenesis of Newcastle disease virus and other important poultry viruses

1. Introduction

Sun Yingjie, Ph.D., Professor, doctoral supervisor, currently deputy director of the Avian Disease Research Office. He hosts the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, and named the Young Talents and Leading Talents (Category B) Program of CAAS, Shanghai Leading talent "reserve team". He serves as an editorial board member of JIA, CIMID, an editorial board member of the Chinese Journal of Virology, and a member of the Young Scholars Professional Group of the Animal Infectious Diseases Branch of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine.

He has long been engaged in research on the molecular pathogenesis of Newcastle disease virus and other important poultry viruses. He focused on screening key host factors for important poultry virus infections, exploring the role of host metabolism and immunity in important poultry virus infections,  and provide theory for the prevention and control of poultry diseases and the preparation of high-efficiency cell vaccines. He hosted 7 national, provincial and ministerial level projects. As the first or corresponding author, he published 25 papers in "mBio", "Plos Pathogens", "iScience", "Journal of Virology", "FASEB Journal", etc., and obtained 4 patents.

2. Contact information

Office phone: 021-34293426

Email: sunyingjie@shvri.ac.cn

3. Representative works

[1] Wei Wu, Yang Qu, Shengqing Yu, Sa Wang, Yuncong Yin, Qinfang Liu, Chunchun Meng, Ying Liao, Zaib Ur Rehman, Lei Tan, Cuiping Song, Xusheng Qiu, Weiwei Liu, Chan Ding*, Yingjie Sun* , Caspase-Dependent Cleavage of DDX21 Suppresses Host Innate Immunity, mBio, 2021

[2] Shanhui Ren, Zaib Ur Rehman, Bo Gao, Zengqi Yang, Jiyong Zhou, Chunchun Meng, Cuiping Song, Venugopal Nair, Yingjie Sun*, Chan Ding*, ATM-mediated DNA double-strand break response facilitated oncolytic Newcastle disease virus replication and promoted syncytium formation in tumor cells, Plos Pathogens, 2020, 16(6):e1008514.

[3] Yuan Zhan, Shengqing Yu, Shen Yang, Xusheng Qiu, Chunchun Meng, Lei Tan, Cuiping Song, Ying Liao, Weiwei Liu, Yingjie Sun*, Chan Ding*, Newcastle Disease virus infection activates PI3K/Akt/mTOR and p38 MAPK/Mnk1 pathways to benefit viral mRNA translation via interaction of the viral NP protein and host eIF4E, Plos Pathogens, 2020, 16(6):e1008610.

[4] Xianjin Kan, Yuncong Yin, Cuiping Song, Lei Tan, Xusheng Qiu, Ying Liao, Weiwei Liu, Songshu Meng, Yingjie Sun,* and Chan Ding*, Newcastle-disease-virus-induced ferroptosis through nutrient deprivation and ferritinophagy in tumor cells, iScience, 2021, 24(8): 102837.

[5] Yingjie Sun†, Hang Zheng†, Shengqing Yu, Yunlei Ding, Wei Wu, Xuming Mao, Ying Liao, Chunchun Meng, Zaib Ur Rehman, Lei Tan, Cuiping Song, Xusheng Qiu, Fengyun Wu, and Chan Ding*, Newcastle disease virus V protein degrades mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein to inhibit host type I interferon production via E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF5, Journal of Virology, 2019;93(18):e00322-19

[6] Yingjie Sun, Luna Dong, Shengqing Yu, Xiaoxu Wang, Hang Zheng, Pin Zhang, Chunchun Meng, Yuan Zhan, Lei Tan, Cuiping Song, Xusheng Qiu, Guijun Wang, Ying Liao, and Chan Ding*, Newcastle disease virus induces stable formation of bona fide stress granules to facilitate viral replication through manipulating host protein translation, FASEB Journal, 2017, 31 (4)

[7] Yingjie Sun, Shengqing Yu, Na Ding, Chunchun Meng, Songshu Meng, Shilei Zhang, Yuan Zhan, Xusheng Qiu, Lei Tan, Hongjun Chen, Cuiping Song, Chan Ding*. Autophagy Benefits the Replication of Newcastle Disease Virus in Chicken Cells and Tissues. Journal of Virology, 2014, 88(1): 525-537.

[8] Shanhui Ren, Chan Ding* Yingjie Sun*, Morphology Remodeling and Selective Autophagy of Intracellular Organelles during Viral Infections, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(10): 3689.

[9] Hui Jiang, Xianjin Kan, Chan Ding* Yingjie Sun*, The multi-faceted role of autophagy during animal virus infection. Frontiers Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2022.

[10] Yingjie Sun, Na Ding, Siyu Serena Ding, Shengqing Yu, Chunhun Meng, Hongjun Chen, Xusheng Qiu, Shilei Zhang, Yang Yu, Yuan Zhan, Chan Ding*. Goose RIG-I functions in innate immunity against Newcastle disease virus infection, Molecular Immunology 53.4(2013):321-327.

4. Patent standards


[2] A composite multi-epitope expression cassette, its recombinant virus and its application. Authorization time: 2022.06.10, Chinese patent number: ZL201810394542.

[3] A goose-derived gene RIG-I with anti-Newcastle disease virus activity and its application, 2015-12-22, China, ZL201210281895.1

[4] A goose-derived mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein and its application, 2021-08-03, China, ZL201810367202.8

[5] CD8+ T cell epitope peptide of chicken IBV S1 protein, 2015-04-15, China, 201310317878.3

[6] pTM series plasmid vectors and their construction methods and application in expression of foreign genes in Brucella, 2019-01-11, China, ZL201510690461.0