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Rongsheng MI

Professional Title: Associate Professor

Education: PhD

Supervisor Category: Master Supervisor

Research Fields: Molecular Biology of Foodborne Parasites and Animal Derived Food Safety

1. Introductio

Rongsheng Mi, PhD, Associate Researcher, Master's Supervisor. Mainly research on molecular biology of foodborne parasites and animal derived food safety, including parasite diagnostic kit and vaccine, molecular epidemiology of animal intestinal protozoa, foodborne parasites monitor in meat products and aquatic products. Presided 17 projects, including National Key Research and Development Program of China, Scientific Research Project of Tibet, Key Technology R&D Program of Ningxia, etc. Published 117 articles, as first author or corresponding author published 16 articles, including 9 SCI articles, which published in “Food Control, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Infection Genetics and Evolution” journals. etc. Published 2 books, obtained 11 national invention patents and 3 standards, including 1 national standard, 1 agricultural industry standard, and 1 local standard each.

2. Contact Information

Tel: +86 021-54225517

E-mail: rongshengmi@shvri.ac.cn; mirongsheng@163.com

3. Representative Articles

[1] Yehua Zhang1, Rongsheng Mi1, Jianhua Xie, Haiyan Jia, Hongquan Ling, Xiaoli Zhang, Lu Luo, Haiyan Gong, Xiangan Han, Yan Huang, Zheng Zeng*, Zhaoguo Chen*. Seroprevalence and the risk factor of  Toxoplasma gondii  infection to slaughter pigs in Chongqing, China. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 2022, 22(4):238-243.

[2] Xiaoli Zhang1, Rongsheng Mi1, Yehua Zhang, Shijie Zhang, Tao Sun, Haiyan Jia, Yan Huang, Haiyan Gong, Xiangan Han, Zhaoguo Chen*. Low prevalence of spargana infection in farmed frogs in the Yangtze River Delta of China. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2020, 85: 104466.

[3] Yan Zhang1, Rongsheng Mi1, Jiabing Yang, Jinxiang Wang, Haiyan Gong, Yan Huang, Xu Wang, Xiangan Han, Haining Zhou*, Zhaoguo Chen*.  Enterocytozoon bieneusi  genotypes in farmed goats and sheep in Ningxia, China. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2020, 85: 104559.

[4] Yehua Zhang1, Rongsheng Mi1, Yan Huang, Luming Xia, Yushu Cai, Haiyan Jia, Xiaoli Zhang, Heng Yang, Xu Wang, Xiangan Han, Zhaoguo Chen*. Molecular detection and genetic characterization of  Toxoplasma gondii  in pork in Shanghai, China. Food control, 2019, 99: 57-63.

[5] Rongsheng Mi, Xiaojuan Wang, Yan Huang, Guodong Mu, Yehua Zhang, Haiyan Jia, Xiaoli Zhang, Heng Yang, Xu Wang, Xiangan Han, Zhaoguo Chen*. Sheep as a potential source of zoonotic cryptosporidiosis in China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2018, 84: e00868-18.

[6] Heng Yang1, Rongsheng Mi1, Long Cheng, Yan Huang, Rui An, Yehua Zhang, Haiyan Jia, Xiaoli Zhang, Xu Wang, Xiangan Han, Zhaoguo Chen*. Prevalence and genetic diversity of  Enterocytozoon bieneusi  in sheep in China. Parasites & Vectors, 2018,11(1): 587.

[7] Rongsheng Mi, Xiaojiao Yang, Yan Huang, Long Cheng, Ke Lu, Xiangan Han, Zhaoguo Chen*. Immunolocation and enzyme activity analysis of  Cryptosporidium parvum  enolase. Parasites & Vectors, 2017, 10: 273.

[8] Rongsheng Mi, Xiaojuan Wang, Yan Huang, Peng Zhou, Yuxuan Liu, Yongjun Chen, Jun Chen, Wei Zhu, Zhaoguo Chen*. Prevalence and molecular characterization of  Cryptosporidium  in goats across four provincial level areas in China. PLoS One. 2014. 9(10). e111164.

[9] Rongsheng Mi, Xiaojuan Wang, Chunhua Li, Yan Huang, Peng Zhou, Zhengfeng Li, Mengtong Lei, Jinzhong Cai*, Zhaoguo Chen*. Prevalence and genetic characterization of  Cryptosporidium  in yaks in Qinghai Province of China. PLoS One. 2013. 8(9). e74985.

4. National Invention Patents & Standards

[1] Multiple epitope gene fragment of cpmcef from  Cryptosporidium  and its fusion protein and application. Authorization announcement date: 2023.04.21, China, ZL201810405650.2

[2] A diagnostic kit, primer pairs, probe, and method for  Sarcocystis  spp. examiniation. Authorization announcement date: 2022.12.23, China, ZL202110728954.4.

[3] Primer pairs and diagnostic kit for foodborne parasites detection by multiplex PCR in pork. Authorization announcement date: 2022.12.27, China, ZL201910622073.7

[4] Application of a diagnostic kit for cystic echinococcosis and  Echinococcus granulosus  detecyion targeting severin protein of  E. granulosus . Authorization announcement date: 2022.12.09, China, ZL202110644033.X

[5] A recombinant epitope antigen of  Mycoplasma  and its immunoassay kit. Authorization announcement date: 2019.05.31, China, ZL201610187839.X

[6] An indirect ELISA diagnostic kit for  Toxoplasma gondii . Authorization announcement date: 2018.08.03, China, ZL201710098062.4

[7] A fluorescence quantitative PCR kit for  Mycoplasma  spp. detection in pigs and its application. Authorization announcement date: 2018.05.18, China, ZL201410150317.3

[8] Multi epitope genes and fusion proteins of CTL and Th of  Cryptosporidium  and their applications. Authorization announcement date: 2013.06.05, China, ZL201010200117.6

[9] Multi epitope gene and fusion protein of Th of  Cryptosporidium  parvum  and its application. Authorization announcement date: 2012.08.01, China, ZL201010190205.2

[10] Nested PCR method for  Cryptosporidium  spp. detection. National Standard (GB/T 35942-2018)

[11] Detection method for  Sarcocystis  spp. from animal foods. Agricultural Industry Standard (NY/T 4031-2021)

[12] Technical specifications for cryptosporidiosis prevention and control in cattle and sheep. Local Standard (DB 64/T 1726-2020).

5. Rewards Achievements

Second Prize for Young Innovative Talents in Risk Assessment of Agricultural Product Quality and Safety, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences