
邱亚峰 团队首席
职称: 研究员
学历: 博士研究生
导师类别: 博士生导师
研究方向: 猪重要传染病和人兽共患病的防控研究
长期从事猪重要传染病和人兽共患病的防控研究,主持国家级或省部级项目课题10余项,培养博士生5名、硕士生16名、博士后1名。在《Journal of Neuroinflammation》《Journal of Immunology》《Developmental & Comparative Immunology》等国内外杂志上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文80余篇。
1997.09–2001.06 山东农业大学兽医专业 学士
2001.09–2006.06 南京农业大学预防兽医学专业 博士
2006.08–2008.12 中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所、助理研究员
2009.01–2010.12 中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所、副研究员
2011.01–2013.12 美国密西根大学、博士后
2014.1–至今 中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所、研究员
2021.10-2023.08 中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所、团队执行首席
2024.01-至今 中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所、团队首席
1, Xiang, X., Yu, D., Li, Z.Z., Fros, J.J., Wei, J.C., Liu, K., Li, Z.J., Shao, D.H., Li, B.B., Kortekaas, J., van Oers, M.M., Ma, Z.Y., Pijlman, G.P. *, and Qiu, Y.F.* (2024) Japanese encephalitis virus-induced DNA methylation contributes to blood-brain barrier permeability by modulating tight junction protein expression. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 21(1):277. doi: 10.1186/s12974-024-03266-6.
2, Zhu, L., Wang, J.Y., Zhang, Y.B., Xiang, X., Liu, K., Wei, J.C., Li, Z.J., Shao, D.H., Li, B.B., Ma, Z.Y., and Qiu, Y.F.* (2023) A Porcine DNMT1 Variant: Molecular Cloning and Generation of Specific Polyclonal Antibody. Genes, 14(7):1324. doi: 10.3390/genes14071324.
3, Chen, X.J., Shi, H.Y., Cheng, X.Y., Wang, X.X., Li, Z.J., Shao, D.H., Liu, K., Wei, J.C., Li, B.B., Wang, J., Zhou, B., Ma, Z.Y.*, and Qiu, Y.F.* (2022) Expression Analysis of Outer Membrane Protein HPS_06257 in Different Strains of Glaesserella parasuis and Its Potential Role in Protective Immune Response against HPS_06257-Expressing Strains via Antibody-Dependent Phagocytosis. Vet e rinary Sciences , 9, 342. doi: 10.3390/vetsci9070342
4, Zhang, Y.B., Xiang, X., Lu, Y., Li, H., Wahaab, A., Sharma, M., Liu, K., Wei, J.C., Li, Z.J., Shao, D.H., Li, B.B., Ma, Z.Y.*, and Qiu, Y.F.* (2021) Downregulation of miR-296-3p by highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus activates the IRF1/TNF-α signaling axis in porcine alveolar macrophages. Archives of Virology , 166(2): 511-519. doi: 10.1007/s00705-020-04921-y
5, Xiang, X.#, Zhang, Y.B.#, Li, Q.Q., Wei, J.C., Liu, K., Shao, D.H., Li, B.B., Olszewski, M.A., Ma, Z.Y.*, and Qiu, Y.F.* (2020). Expression profile of porcine scavenger receptor A and its role in bacterial phagocytosis by macrophages. Developmental & Comparative Immunology 104: 103534.
6, Lu, Y.#, Zhang, Y.B.#, Xiang, X., Sharma, M, Liu, K., Wei, J.C., Shao, D.H., Li, B.B., Tong, G.Z., Olszewski, M.A., Ma, Z.Y.*, and Qiu, Y.F.* (2020). Notch signaling contributes to the expression of inflammatory cytokines induced by highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) infection in porcine alveolar macrophages. Developmental & Comparative Immunology 108: 103690.
7, Zhang, Y.B., Li, H., Xiang, X., Lu, Y., Sharma, M., Li, Z.J., Liu, K., Wei, J.C., Shao, D.H., Li, B.B., Ma, Z.Y., and Qiu, Y.F.* (2020). Identification of DNMT3B2 as the Predominant Isoform of DNMT3B in Porcine Alveolar Macrophages and Its Involvement in LPS-Stimulated TNF-a Expression. Genes 11 (9): E1065. doi: 10.3390/genes11091065.
8, Huang, H. #, Sharma, M. #, Zhang, Y.B., Li, C.X., Liu, K., Wei, J.C., Shao, D.H., Li, B.B., Ma, Z.Y., Cao, R.B.*, and Qiu, Y.F.* (2020). Expression Profile of Porcine TRIM26 and Its Inhibitory Effect on Interferon-β Production and Antiviral Response. Genes 11(10): E1226. doi: 10.3390/genes11101226.
9, Wang, Z.T.#, Zhang, Y.B.#, Wang, L.Y.#, Wei, J.C., Liu, K., Shao, D.H., Li, B.B., Liu, L.H., Widén, F., Ma, Z.Y.*, and Qiu, Y.F.* (2020). Comparative genomic analysis of Bordetella bronchiseptica isolates from the lungs of pigs with porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC). Infection, Genetics and Evolution 81: 104258.
10, Shi, Y.Y.#*, Jiang, W.#, Ma, Z.Y., and Qiu, Y.F.* (2017). A case report of pulmonary tritrichomonosis in a pig. BMC Veterinary Research 13(1): 348.
(2)IRAK-M多克隆抗体及其制备方法,2022年12月20日, ZL201710828446.7,发明专利,本人排名第1;
(4)一种鉴别基因Ⅰ型、Ⅲ 型、Ⅴ型乙脑病毒和盖他病毒的方法及其试剂盒,2023年1月24日,ZL202111478453.1,发明专利,本人排名第5;
(5)一种用于食品保鲜的杂合肽及其在酿酒酵母表达系统的基因表达方法,2022年8月19日, ZL202110336260.6,发明专利,本人排名第6;