
职称: 研究员
学历: 博士研究生
导师类别: 硕士生导师
研究方向: 猫病毒性传染病、鸡新城疫以及小反刍兽疫病毒的基础性研究和相应诊断试剂与疫苗的开发
孟春春,博士,研究员,博士生导师,"农科英才"院级优秀青年英才。伴侣动物生物安全风险预警及防控技术团队执行首席,宠物大健康研究中心主任,中国农业科学院青年英才(2024年入选)。主要从事伴侣动物和家禽重要病原的流行病学调查及其诊断试剂与疫苗的研发工作,先后主持十三五/十四五重点研发计划子课题,国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目,上海市自然科学基金以及横向委托课题等20余项。以第一作者和通讯作者在国内外期刊发表学术论文47篇, 其中SCI论文17篇总计影响因子超过80分,中文核心期刊30篇。获得发明专利授权13件(第一完成人5件),参编专著两部。
1. Tang J, Du H, Tang A, Jia N, Zhu J, Li C, Meng C, Liu G. 2023. Simultaneous detection and identification of Peste des petits ruminants Virus Lineages II and IV by MCA-Based real-time quantitative RT-PCR assay within single reaction. BMC Vet Res 19:11.(并列通讯)
2. Tang J, Tang A, Jia N, Du H, Liu C, Zhu J, Li C, Meng C, Liu G. 2022. Free ISG15 Inhibits the Replication of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus by Breaking the Interaction of Nucleoprotein and Phosphoprotein. Microbiol Spectr 10:e0103122. (并列通讯)
3. Tang J, Tang A, Du H, Jia N, Zhu J, Li C, Meng C, Liu G. 2022. Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Exhibits Cell-Dependent Interferon Active Response. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 12:874936. (并列通讯)
4. Qi R, Meng C, Zhu J, Li H, Miao Q, Tang J, Tang A, Guo H, Liu C, Li C, Chen Z, Wang F, Zhang Q, Liu G. 2022. The outbreak of rabbit hemorrhagic virus type 2 in the interior of China may be related to imported semen. Virol Sin 37:623-626. (并列一作)
5. Rehman ZU, Ren S, Butt SL, Manzoor Z, Iqbal J, Anwar MN, Sun Y, Qiu X, Tan L, Liao Y, Song C, Liu W, Meng C, Ding C. 2021. Newcastle Disease Virus Induced Pathologies Severely Affect the Exocrine and Endocrine Functions of the Pancreas in Chickens. Genes (Basel) 12. (并列通讯)
6. Li Y, Rehman ZU, Li M, Manzoor Z, Liu W, Qiu X, Sun Y, Liao Y, Tan L, Song C, Liu W, Yu S, Ding C, Meng C. 2021. Comparison of the protective antigen variabilities of prevalent Newcastle disease viruses in response to homologous/heterologous genotype vaccines. Poult Sci 100:101267.
7. Rehman ZU, Ren S, Yang B, Yang X, Butt SL, Afzal A, Malik MI, Sun Y, Yu S, Meng C, Ding C. 2020. Newcastle disease virus induces testicular damage and disrupts steroidogenesis in specific pathogen free roosters. Vet Res 51:84. (并列通讯)
8. Meng C, Huang Y, Rehman ZU, Hu W, Li C, Liang R, Chen Z, Song K, Wei T, Liu G. 2020. Development of an MCA-Based Real Time RT-qPCR Assay for the Simultaneous Detection and Differentiation of Duck Hepatitis A Virus Types 1 and 3. Virol Sin 35:666-669.
9. Liu P, Yin Y, Gong Y, Qiu X, Sun Y, Tan L, Song C, Liu W, Liao Y, Meng C, Ding C. 2019. In Vitro and In Vivo Metabolomic Profiling after Infection with Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus. Viruses 11. (并列通讯)
10. Rehman ZU, Qiu X, Sun Y, Liao Y, Tan L, Song C, Yu S, Ding Z, Munir M, Meng C, Ding C. 2018. Vitamin E Supplementation Ameliorates Newcastle Disease Virus-Induced Oxidative Stress and Alleviates Tissue Damage in the Brains of Chickens. Viruses 10. (并列通讯)
11. Rehman ZU, Meng C, Sun Y, Mahrose KM, Umar S, Ding C, Munir M. 2018. Pathobiology of Avian avulavirus 1: special focus on waterfowl. Vet Res 49:94. (并列一作)
12. Rehman ZU, Che L, Ren S, Liao Y, Qiu X, Yu S, Sun Y, Tan L, Song C, Liu W, Ding Z, Munir M, Nair V, Meng C, Ding C. 2018. Supplementation of Vitamin E Protects Chickens from Newcastle Disease Virus-Mediated Exacerbation of Intestinal Oxidative Stress and Tissue Damage. Cell Physiol Biochem 47:1655-1666. (并列通讯)
13. Meng C, Rehman ZU, Liu K, Qiu X, Tan L, Sun Y, Liao Y, Song C, Yu S, Ding Z, Nair V, Chan D. 2018. Potential of genotype VII Newcastle disease viruses to cause differential infections in chickens and ducks. Transbound Emerg Dis doi:10.1111/tbed.12965.
14. Meng C, Zhi X, Li C, Li C, Chen Z, Qiu X, Ding C, Ma L, Lu H, Chen D, Liu G, Cui D. 2016. Graphene Oxides Decorated with Carnosine as an Adjuvant To Modulate Innate Immune and Improve Adaptive Immunity in Vivo. ACS Nano 10:2203-13.
15. Meng C, Qiu X, Yu S, Li C, Sun Y, Chen Z, Liu K, Zhang X, Tan L, Song C, Liu G, Ding C. 2016. Evolution of Newcastle Disease Virus Quasispecies Diversity and Enhanced Virulence after Passage through Chicken Air Sacs. J Virol 90:2052-63.
16. Meng C, Zhou Z, Jiang K, Yu S, Jia L, Wu Y, Liu Y, Meng S, Ding C. 2012. Newcastle disease virus triggers autophagy in U251 glioma cells to enhance virus replication. Arch Virol 157:1011-8.
17. Meng C, Qiu X, Jin S, Yu S, Chen H, Ding C. 2012. Whole genome sequencing and biological characterization of Duck/JS/10, a new lentogenic class I Newcastle disease virus. Arch Virol 157:869-80.
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