Recently, Scientist from SHVRI, CAAS found that FSTL1 and TLR4 interacted with PEDV structural proteins to promote virus adsorption to host cells.
Infection with porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) results in enormous economic damage to global swine industry. PEDV starts its life cycle by binding to the receptors of host cells and adsorbing onto the cellular surfaces. However, it is still unknown how PEDV adsorbs onto the surface of host cells and the mechanism beneath the interplay of host cell transmembrane protein with PEDV proteins.
Research Progress
In this study, we identified that FSTL1 promoted PEDV infection. Further studies demonstrated the interaction relationship between FSTL1 and PEDV structural proteins (N and S2). In addition, we also confirmed TLR4 also interacted with FSTL1 and PEDV N, S1 and S2 proteins on the cell surface. Moreover, it was found that the FSTL1 promoted the interaction of TLR4 and PEDV and then induced the viral adsorption to host cells. This novel finding can expand our knowledge about PEDV infection, and the clarification of FSTL1’s and TLR4’s implication in PEDV adsorption and internalization provides an innovative foundation for the development of potential therapeutic drugs.
This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai.
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