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The Experimental Animal Center (Veterinary Drug Evaluation Center Experimental Animal Platform) of SHVRI, CAAS is composed of Chunye Road and Ziyue Road sites. It is a fundamental platform for scientific research and research, with SPF level rats and mice, as well as laboratory animal usage licenses for ordinary level rabbits, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, pigs, etc. It mainly carries out animal pathogenic microbial infections and pathogenic mechanisms Research on immune mechanisms and prevention and control technologies can be customized based on scientific research needs, and animal experiments can be designed to undertake commissioned cooperation in scientific research, drugs, biological products, and other fields.

The facilities on Chunye Road comply with the national standards GB19489 "General Requirements for Laboratory Biosafety", GB50346 "Technical Specification for Building Biosafety Laboratories", and GB 14925 "Environment and Facilities for Experimental Animals". In 2020, the second level laboratory for animal pathogenic microorganisms biosafety in Shanghai was registered (Hu Dong Laboratory Preparation [200602012]). The building area of the Animal Biosafety Level 2 (ABSL-2) laboratory is 2464 square meters, with a total of 3 floors. It is equipped with advanced breeding and experimental equipment, including negative pressure isolators, biosafety cabinets, negative pressure dissection tables, hydrogen peroxide generators, pulsating high-pressure sterilization cabinets, etc. The negative pressure environment experimental area covers an area of 800 square meters and can carry out the Animal Pathogenic Microorganisms Classification List Animal infectivity experiments for three and four types of animal pathogenic microorganisms specified in the detailed rules for the safety requirements of different activities of animal pathogenic microorganisms.

The total area of Ziyue Road in the Experimental Animal Center is approximately 130m2. The barrier environment adopts an independent exhaust system, and the inlet and exhaust ports are equipped with 10000 level high-efficiency filtration equipment, which meets the requirements of the national standard GB 14925 "Experimental Animal Environment and Facilities". It has obtained the "Experimental Animal Use License" issued by the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission and mainly carries out SPF level rat and mouse breeding management and animal immunology research.